Mission Possible: How Starting To Solve America’s Opioid Epidemic Could Save 2018

Penn Little
16 min readDec 6, 2018

By Penn Little | Penn is a freelance writer and entrepreneur who contributes for Forbes and SeekingAlpha.com. He lives in Chicago, IL, and may be reached at pennlittle@me.com.

Earthrise Photo taken by Astronaut Bill Anders on December 24, 1968. Source: NASA

Fifty years ago, America was divided and in an uproar, just as we presently see in 2018. I cannot say I remember, nor was I alive in 1968, but my love…



Penn Little

Entrepreneur & Investigative Journalist www.pennlittle.com/publications | tips@pennlittle.com Story Tips: Email your name, phone, and 2 paragraph summary.